Applying geoscience to Australia's most important challenges

Dear visitors, please note that our select Linked Data and DGGS beta APIs are no longer available as of 28 June 2024. This decision has been made after careful consideration, including assessment about their level of usage. If you have been accessing these APIs we are still interested to hear about your specific use-case. If you would like to share your experiences and use-cases, please reach out to us at

Foundation Spatial Data Framework Linked Data API

Global Search

Concept Search

This search can query across multiple VocPrez instances.

The search function here looks for matches within SKOS Concepts' various labels - preferred, alternate, hidden - and their definitions. It weights results based on the field it is found in, as per the order just given.

Multiple endpoints can be selected. "Self" represents this Prez instance.

Feature Search

Search features across all Datasets. CQL can be used in the optional advanced search field.
For the list of available properties, see here.